Workplace Well-being

Workplace well-being with Thai massage

We provide our workplace well-being treatments around Leeds and West Yorkshire area.

How does Workplace Well-being work?

We use ancient Thai medical massage techniques to help your employees relax, clear the mind and restore physical well-being. The massage can be done with normal working cloths on. We do not need a special facility, but space and/or a quiet area are preferred. Our on-site treatments are short and tailored to individual needs and the busy office environment.

Please contact me if you would like to discuss any of this information in depth. or if you are looking for a professional, dedicated qualify Traditional Thai massage therapist.

Our Service

  1. Neck and Shoulder Massage (relaxing) £12/15 minutes.
  2. Deep Tissue Neck and Shoulder Massage £15/15 minutes.
  3. Thai Head Massage £12/15 minutes.
  4. Arms and Hands Massage £12/15 minutes
  5. Thai Foot Massage £12/15 minutes